Off to the mountains
Where nature begets
Peace in my mind
And no regrets
I've never been here
I was too busy
Starting in the car
I felt dizzy
As the car moved
Around the hills
To see more of it
I made a will
Slowly my mind
Got off the worries
I thought I've a lived
a life in utter miseries
As against the city
The life was slow
I felt fresh air
And happiness flow
School children
As they walk passed
Carefree, fearless
All there was
People with good physique
Hills made them walk
Come what may
a hill, river or a rock
Trees soaked in
first drop of water
Oh what a sight
was that of a shower
I take in my mind
a picture of serenity of the hills
lakes, trees, animals,
the silence and the shrills
My end note
"Uttrakhand, A lovely place!
Go back to your roots
Don't forget your race."