Monday, 6 July 2015

Ode to the mountains

Off to the mountains
Where nature begets
Peace in my mind
And no regrets

I've never been here
I was too busy
Starting in the car
I felt dizzy

As the car moved
Around the hills
To see more of it
I made a will

Slowly my mind
Got off the worries
I thought I've a lived
a life in utter miseries

As against the city
The life was slow
I felt fresh air
And happiness flow

School children
As they walk passed
Carefree, fearless
All there was

People with good physique
Hills made them walk
Come what may
a hill, river or a rock

Trees soaked in
first drop of water
Oh what a sight
was that of a shower

I take in my mind
 a picture of serenity of the hills
lakes, trees, animals,
the silence and the shrills

My end note
"Uttrakhand, A lovely place!
Go back to your roots
Don't forget your race."

Saturday, 6 June 2015

11 things you’ll understand only if you are in a long distance relationship.

A long distance relationship requires an extra effort to make it work. Some stay away from it while some break up while experiencing it. Only few are able to sustain it with happiness. If you are one of those who have ever experienced it or are willing to go for it, glance through these 10 points:

1. Oh! Initially the restlessness: 
You wonder if they miss you and freak out if you think that they don't. You wait for their messages. Worse, you hope every buzz on your cellphones is their message but it's not.

2. Phone, your eternal love:
Phone becomes the air without which you cannot live. Your source of connection will be your cellphone. Skype calls would be the ones you would wait for. Your friends will wonder why are you always on phone and what is it that you talk about every time with your love.

3. Late night calls/Day Calls:- 
You try to make a call any time when your lover is free. No wonder, there are different night call packages provided by mobile operators as they understand your needs.

4. The most asked query:
 Kiske saath ho? (Who is with you?) will be the most asked question.

5. Sleepy head, oh no!:
You will be often caught asleep while your partner is still busy talking to you. And next day face the consequences and awkwardness that you felt asleep while s(he) was still eager to talk to you.

6. Those complaints : 
The fights on "Why did you not lift my call?" After a fight, you tend to over-think if this is the end. What if your partner finds a new one in their other world, is the question that often lingers on your mind.

7. And those doubts:
Stalking becomes a favourite hobby. You've to be careful about the excess information your partner did not give but you spied on!

8.  The starry night and the moon:
You look at the sky and wonder if your special one too is looking at the moon. This way it helps you to feel that no matter what the distance you both are under the same sky.

9. Hallucinations: 
You start developing illusions of your lover around you. You start talking to your lover in your mind as if you two are connected. You dream about your future with your lover. You meet each other in your dreams and in your self created images.

10. Developing new skills:
Oh! This can happen. Why not?

11. Surprises: 
You plan for surprises for meeting up. You plan about things you'll do for them when you meet them up. You prepare yourselves with gifts to pamper them on their birthdays, your anniversaries e.t.c.

Most people break up when they think about long distance relationship. But remember, nothing in life is permanent. If you truly love one another, just give it a try. You will learn aspects about each other that you had a blind eye on.

In the end, if this is your motivation, then you cannot avoid a long distance relationship.

PC: Photos available at:
Overtly attached girlfriend facebook page, 
Long distance relationship by Stephen Blake facebook page,,,
google images

Topic Courtesy: college ok please, Candid Marketing

Discussions and Ideas courtesy: My friend Swati Gupta

To sail through great laughter, do visit  "Overtly attached girlfriend" facebook page! :D

Sunday, 24 May 2015

8 Common Phrases Used or Misused

There are certain phrases that all of us are tired of listening. Not because they are said often, but one starts doubting the intention of the speaker who uses it. Sometimes, they are nothing but lies. Let us have a glance through what I mean by those phrases:

For anyone who speaks what comes in the heart and mind, it may seem that speaker otherwise doesn't speak much or hides something. I really can't get the meaning of this phrase, frankly speaking!

Better know as "tbh" in the sms world, this phrase is quite a thing. One wonders if the speaker usually lies or whatever (s)he has uttered till now has been a lie.

3. "Can I ask you something, I hope you wouldn't feel bad." Or something like "First tell me that you wouldn't feel bad. Then only, I will ask you."

What do you want, my dear speaker? Do you want me to feel bad or not? You want me to be prepared because you know you're going to spoil my mood. Don't you?

4. "Can I tell you something? I hope you wouldn't take it personally."

You want to put personal remarks and you add that line.  Why else on earth will you take the safety measures?


Sometimes, you need to tell the actual condition or outcome against the expected one. But, more often in usual conversations, the usage of this word seems to be like you created something else in the mind of someone or you hid something. Now, you are telling the actual scenario. 

6. "I will call you back later."

Please add "if I don't forget" to the above line. Usually, people forget to call back later. It seems either you are very busy or I'm worthless. And, one shouldn't be feeling the second one. So, value the one who called you and stick to your words.


This is mostly said by your boss to his boss or his client or you, yourself. This is the way of talking in an organisation. It means that the person in question doesn't have an answer to the question at present. Whatever, he wrote in a report or whatever he said, he himself doesn't have 100% belief.

8. Aunty Acid puts this better!

These are just some of the phrases in which you can find the lies or the conviction people may have to things they've spoken. Of course, it depends from situation to situation. You get to know if a  person is speaking truth just like you get a hint when the other person is flirting, which is usually another form of lies. Buttering is another form of lies.

In the end, I would just wish for my reader, may your intuitions save you!

Friday, 15 May 2015

7 Points on why being a woman is an advantage after all.

WARNING: This is an article which portrays stereotypical image of women. It is not meant to offend anyone.

We've been hearing a lot about feminism lately. A lot of views on why being a woman is tough. Well, it might be tough. But who says, being a woman isn't fun at all?
Lets just start with the bullets:

1.) Skewed sex ratio doesn't help men but it makes us pass off the long queue:

We, women have the pleasure of this ratio because our queue is always shorter than the men's queue. A woman is happy about the short queue but of course, we aren't proud about national figure of 940 females per 1000 males when biologically, it should be the other way around. Nonetheless, karma will serve back for one's misdeed.  Men will feel the repercussions of a skewed sex ratio like China is feeling now with  little women left to marry off the eligible bachelors.

2. Being taken extra care of
Sometimes, I just love this part of being a girl. Your family and friends being protective and caring about you. Who doesn't love being cared for?

3. Dressing up:
Clothes, make up, accessories and more of it. Being a girl gives us an excuse for doing more and more shopping. (Actually, do we ever have more?)

For more fun on Girls Versus Boys, Watch Zaid Ali Videos. You may find them stereotypical but they are fun!

4. Being soft, being hard, doesn't matter in our own clan:

In our nation, people often joke on guys who are soft in their nature. However, on girls who are loud and doesn't like to dress up the girls way, the jokes are little comparatively. We can be the way we are until of course someone rings the wedding bells.

5. Women can be late
There are women who are always late everywhere. They get excused because it is believed women have extra work load at home and they do need some time more to dress up.

6. Women can drive the way they want:
On roads too, women drivers have it easier than men facing the wrath of other drivers. Often one finds the traffic policemen excusing the woman for flouting the traffic rules when he has caught a male driver at the same time. 

7. Multi tasking women:
This thing is something every woman is proud about. Even a man knows multi tasking. But we know it better because some of us will put our best make up, matching earrings e.t.c. even during critical times like exams.

 There are more points to cover and this article will see many alterations. But to conclude, isn't it cool being a woman? To woman, enjoy your womanhood. To men, enjoy your women. (hehe ;)  )

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

6 Reasons on why is Indian Television an Idiot box forever?

Idiot box, popularly known as Television, often makes us sit for hours only to realise that we have wasted our time. Sometimes, we do find educational things and entertainment as well, but most of the times we just have finger fetish over the remote control of our TV. With thousands of channels we are just changing them to find if there is something that will interest us. Our attention to things is short lived and we can't even stand the commercial breaks played on television. An Indian television is no different. Just count on the number of times, you sat for a long duration watching actually nothing that's meant to stay with you forever. Lets talk about how Indian Television is an Idiot box now and forever, unless we actually have God descending on earth telling us "Ab bas Karo!" (Now, stop it!")

1. Never ending soap operas:
These serials like the one above have lasted for years like oh sorry, I've lost the count. Serials like this have made us think "Kyunki hum bhi kabhi bachhe the". The stories were far too stretched to such an extent that they have become unbelieveable. 

2. The Melodrama:
The melodrama that these serials offer is commendable. Often, we will find reappearaaces post deaths and deaths again and again reappearances or re-births. No wonder, India has been a place of Gods and a land of miracles. The melodrama is supported by over the top background scores that bore us time and again. The cameraman too has a special job in these serials to zoom in and zoom out each of the character's face in case of a catastrophic event (in these serials, any truth or conspiracy revealed or even marriage is a catastrophic event!) You will also find saree clan women with full on make up at the middle of the night. Wow! It seems like normal people are always badly dressed.

3. The debates on news channels (Or are they really debates?)
The debates are more like wars than debates. We've high regards for journalists specially those who have a strong opinion and are fearless. But, in their debates, sometimes the only one speaking is they themselves. They should only be the convenor. But their opinion building nature makes them come to conclusions themselves. Media be it TV or print, has many a times, arrived at judgements even before the actual jury came out with its judgement. This is like playing politics and changing stance according to populist views. In addition, we find news channels playing one big news the whole day long. And, the sad part is, for TRPs sake, every channel showcases the same thing.

4. The Food Channels:
No offence to the food lovers. This point in not just for Indian Television but for the TV in general. One can watch different sports whole day or even a long match. One can watch travel shows, history shows, discovery shows because story is different. But one thing that seem to quiz me is that who can watch food channel the whole day or so? Even if the food item is different, food is still food. What else can you prepare other than starters, main course, street food or deserts or soups? TV has surely become an Idiot box with food channels.

5. Repeated Movies (Evergreen movies? Huh!)
Many of the channels show repeated movies on their channels so much so that the movies have become synonymous with channel's name. I read a facebook post recently "I'm watching IPL on Suryavansham Channel!". Channels are meant to entertain but they have started boring us like those soaps. These movies have become a legend overtime.

6. Reality Shows

We understand that for a talented person, performing on TV would be the biggest form of appreciation. However, too many reality shows on singing, dancing, adventure e.t.c. have made us feel most of the content on these shows is already seen. We're too bored with the same format, different seasons and same lines quoted by the judges.

So, how the future is being hit?

Television might become a story of the past with Internet media eating up its audience. The branding that Internet together has in line with the young audience is far ahead of Television. Start ups like Scoopwhoop, Storypick are becoming a rage with millions of subscribers. While television sought for a different channel for each type of interests, these channels are "one stop destination" for all kind of news, enterntainment. Young people especially those on laptops are switching from TV to these channels. You hit a like and follow on facebook and Twitter and you needn't switch their channel. They will come to you. There is no time constraint on them. It provides users with flexibility.

 They have become popular even with articles which have new edge over the traditional print media. They have recognised the taste of Indian Audience very well. They have even taken care of the short attention span with articles not very long and most of them in points format. They reveal the number of points in the title itself. They have changed the writing style of most bloggers with many of us, now writing in points format

 The kind of branding that they are doing is something amazing to study for. In coming years, we might find a case study or more on their success in the management schools. Most importantly for now, it comes free with Internet subscription. So, what more can you ask for? You want humor, sports, news, food or anything, just go for it. 

Friday, 1 May 2015

The NALSAR Chapter

My NALSAR journey was full of twists and turns. As my friend, Srilekha puts it "Life lessons", it taught me more than anything ever could.

In the first year, I started feeling I was living in a Big Boss House sans cameras. It wasn't the fact that the campus is far away from the city but because of the kind of emotions I would observe. Sometimes, hostel would be vibrant with happy faces, celebrating birthdays, watching movies, making fun of every other person. On the hand, there were days people were really sad, tensed and frustrated (Don't ask me with whom! This ;) grin is for my classmates!)

For me since the first semester onwards, I kept on being with different set of groups to know with whom I gelled best, only to realise later, that where you've a say and where people love and encourage and not ignore you, only be with them.

I, earlier, till my undergrad had this feeling that everyone is good. Be kind to all and talk and mix with everyone. But, it is in this place where I realised the importance of being judgemental. You can't be good to all because they are not good to all. It is okay to be biased because they are biased. At the same time, I learned the need to at least be in some talking terms with one another not because you want to but because you never know about something called time. You can't be friendly to all because people at times forget to appreciate other as a human and give unneeded advice.

I observed here the sets of friends one had: One for the movie, one for studies, one for the hostel, one for the hang outs, and what not.

So, I accepted the fact that I'm growing up. I'm becoming better at understanding different people but also, I'm absorbing a part of them in me. I said to myself  "I've to leave this place before it makes me too hard and too changed."

I learned about the sharing, caring, having patience, adjusting, to mention a few all of such characteristics in which I lacked.

Right now, it's my last night at NALSAR. The lectures, the class setting of especially first semester, the hostel , the lecturers, the friends, the fights, the outings, the hostel roof, the stadium, the football, the basketball, the gym, the birthdays, the exams, the food are picturing in my mind. Oh, I'm going to miss this so much!

From a friend's mother comes a precious advice "Wherever you work, wherever you are, help others." We need to understand that it is upon us, the first batch, to take our Centre for Management Studies upwards to the heights we wanted to see it in. So, help your comrades and help your juniors.

Dear batch mates, Wish you all best of wishes in all your future endeavours. Now, let us bring down the curtains to this chapter, holding on to our memories. Let us embark upon a new journey!

With this, I bid goodbye to you until the next time I catch up with you, singing:
"Its been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again.
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again."      :)

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

What's your idea on God?

"Tu hai ki nahi?" meaning Do you exist or not? This question often lingers on our head. We all have been in situations where we ask if God really exist. Sometimes, its not any situation but just our state of mind.

Its been a while since I started observing that I've now started disliking going to temple. I'm not against God. But, God doesn't solve my problems. Moreover, the class difference I see in society especially when some people are not allowed to go inside the temple is something I disapprove of. Yes, I'm a Brahmin and this modern day Brahmin has no airs about who is entering the temple or not or with whom I'm sitting and having a lunch with. So, why such discriminations. We must realise that time has changed now. Those cultures and traditions that I do not understand, what significance do they hold for me? Frankly, nothing. Null. Void.

 I had written in my older post titled "God a boundation or a belief?", that modern day living leaves me no time to read to religious texts and seek meaning of life or problems. So these days, I read more of quotes on social media or blogs or some Guru's quotes. When I read the blogs, I find them more meaningful. I can relate to what a blogger has written. Random quotes too sometimes makes so much sense to me. Sometimes, I'm struck with  a thought on my head and can't find answer to it. Like I said before, I don't read a religious books but it is these quotes and blogs that help me. It makes me think that I'm no different. It suggests sometimes the things are just the way they are. If I'm not feeling good, talking to a friend, watching a good movie, a nice drama, uplifting and soothing music and awesome food helps me feel better. These are the ways sometimes, I vent out my frustration and sad mood. I see "God" in people and these little things and in its creations.God has created all the things and even those which makes me happy and feel better.  

However, I still feel as I don't get answers from my God in the same pace as my life is building up. There has to be a new religion to which most of us can connect asap! By religion, I mean it may be an idea. Today we need the idea that connects us and not discriminates us. An idea of being good. An idea which holds relevance for the present and for the future. My idea on God, I've already shared. So, what is your idea? Please post your views. I will be happy to engage in a dialogue with you.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

10 Charms of being a Hyderabadi

I've spent the two years of my life at the city of Nawabs known as Hyderabad. I've had some long lasting memories here with Hyderabadis and how they are fun, loving and cool. Lets talk about what stands them apart from the rest of the world:

1. Well, to begin with do everything hallu se. (slowly). Yes, its a city but here its a slow life with people telling each other "hallu se chal" (walk slowly), "hallu se khaa" (eat slowly).

2. Sentences of hindi are too short as there are no "hai, hain, hu etc." Hindi is like "Tu dekhi" (You saw?" "mai toh paper mei kuch likhich nahi" (I did not write anything in the exam.)

3. Here , if people get angry you will get to hear words like "Kya houla bnaya muje" (You made me mad".  "Kya baingan bnaya re tu" (You made me a fool).

3. Hyderabadis are really cool people. You will often find them saying "Light le in hindi or light tisko in telugu (meaning  take things lightly, Chill)

4. We have talked too much on the language. Lets talk about the city as such. So, to begin with, amidst the hustle bustle, the pollution in any city, here lies a big lake Hussain Sagar at the heart of the city built by the great Nizam of Hyderabad. The lake is beautiful. My friend tells me it keeps the city cool. The eat street on the sideways and the buddha structure in the middle of the lake are the ambience to vouch for.

5. Awesome resorts and restaurants to go for. Alankrita and Leonia Resorts are the one I've frequented to for meals. Apart from that, city offers some of the exotic restaurants like A La' Liberty, Indigos to mention a few. See my friend's blog: and I need not say more.

6. Hyderabadis love biryani. Most of them do. Paradise in Hyderabad is famous for its biryani.

8. Ramoji Film City is another attraction here. Its a place to recollect your movies and serials that were shooted here. Its big and its good for a full day outing.

9. The beauty of Charminar is appeasing to eyes. The market is full of vendors selling accessories , food, juices etc..

9. The love that Hyderabadis have for Telugu movies, songs and their culture is interesting to see. One word against their favourite movie star and they will protect him/her like their family.

10. The best part of this place are its people. Most of the local friends of mine were so caring and loving and they love to invite you for food. Some of them even go out of their way to help others.

The list is not exhaustive. These are those few of the many things that I'm carrying away with me for the rest of my life. If you really want to know, what makes this city so special in its own way, you should visit this place. With a heavy heart, I leave Hyderabad in 3 days. Counting 3,2,1........

Saturday, 11 April 2015

11 bitter sweet truths that have stayed with me

Since morning I've been thinking about the writing this article on the sayings of few people who have been part of my life. Their sayings have echoed in my mind since the day they said them. Some of them well, one might have read somewhere but when it was said by that person, it actually meant something deeper. I'm not mentioning their names but one fine day I would. I don't remember the conversation in some cases. But, lets hear to what they said:

1.  "I don't cry often like you to make my tears less valuable. I cry only once."-  a masters friend.

That was said to me on being too emotional about things. Next time, I'm going to think about it before I cry. I hope he'll be happy to hear this!

2.  "A manager's first trait should be to have stability of mind." -my brother

Now this was said to have a calmness effect on me.

3. "Be happy, for you will get nothing less or more than what is destined for you."- my mother

This was to let me know that being in a positive state of mind is more important than getting a good paying job.

4. "I do what I like. I like what I do."- a school friend who has left his career in which he was academically inclined to a career in which he is passionately involved.

The DWYL (the do what you love) syndrome. This quote have been said by many inspirational writers. But, it really doesn't count much unless it comes from a person whom you admire as a person. Well, it was said on being quizzed about his sleeping hours duration and why he sleeps so little?

5.  "You don't live for yourself. You live for others." - my undergrad friend

This was said to me when I told her that I don't keep in touch with most of my friends. It is difficult for me to make a conversation once we've left talking for months.

6.  "All men are selfish."-My English teacher of high school

She just said this in between the class. This saying has stayed with me because at that time, I felt a pain in her eyes while saying this. Now that I've met diverse individuals in my life, I don't beg to differ with this line.

7. "And this (Sky pouring with rain) is called divine intervention. No more class. Go out!"
- the same English teacher

This was said in one of those extra classes that we had in class 12th. It was such a hot weather in May and it started raining. Windows opened on their own, thanks to the cool wind. And, when my teacher said this, the whole class went to the open verandah near the library and got drenched in the rain. That was true liberation!

8. "It is okay to be selfish. Everyone is selfish. But, it is bad to be self-centred."
- one of my school friend

While there is little difference between the word selfish and self centred with both words being used synonymously, the meaning that I interpreted at that time is what matters. Everyone thinks about their personal benefit but only thinking about yourself is something that is really mean.

9. "We can't do something good for others. At least, we mustn't say something wrong."
- my school friend

The conversation was about how selfish people deserve to get bad consequences.

10. "I don't know when you get older whether you remember me or not. But I'll come to your wedding to see you as a bride even if I'm forgotten to be invited."
-One of my aunt in my neighbourhood with whom I stayed when my parents were away for their jobs.

She said this when I was a little child. Ofcourse, at that time I did not understand anything because in childhood, you are not acquainted with the truth that nothing lasts forever.

11. "Ignorance is such a bliss." -my school friend

- I was like "Bang on!"

These people, many of them I don't talk everyday. Many of them, I've talked after years. But, that doesn't mean, I've forgotten them and their saying which had the bitter sweet truths of life. I'm sure these people don't remember what they said. But to whom, they said, it meant a lot.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Freedom you gotta give what you take!

(This article was written on Independence Day 2014. But, as the International Women's Day 2015 passed by, I thought of reposting it here.)

On this occasion of independence day, I ask myself " What does freedom mean to me?" Does it mean doing, talking anything that I like? No, it doesn't. It means doing something within my own boundaries. And, everyone has their own.

For long, women in our country have been deprived of many things, be it the right to take birth, to get educated, to choose a partner of their choice, to give birth to a baby girl and many rights are denied on a day to day basis. Today, our PM Modi has rightly said that when a women goes out of house, she is asked a thousand of questions vis-a-vis a man. What has happened to the society that being a women, we have unnecessary limits set on us? The everyday crimes against women leaves us appalled. I have heard many of my friends say why was I born a women and why doesn't it happen to men right from from their puberty days to their days as a grown up when they witness,hear, feel once or more the eve teasing, the rapes and what not!

While God can't be cursed for making us a women (it is a blessing in fact), men and even women in our world , definitely should be blamed for creating such havocs in our minds. On one hand, on ashtmi or navmi of the Navratri, the little girls are being symbolised as Devis and on the other hand, day after day, we hear of the heinous crimes committed against us. On a personal front also, women do witness one or other men playing Mr. Dominant role in their lives and most of the times, they are their own family members. Now, when they only do not give a chance to lead at least their own lives, how will women come out of their small chambers to speak of any wrong that has happened to them. Be it men or women, the stigma attached to even a small sexual assault is much.

Ours is a regressive society where discrimination has just become a culture, in fact, a habit. This has even led to a war of women against women.Once, while travelling in a train, a women told my friend (a girl) that girls shouldn't laugh that loud. She said nothing to boys. Ours is a collective society and mind you, suggestions come here for free whether you ask them or not. So, once, I was told to tie my hair by a lady to the the surprise of many young girls standing with me in the ladies coach of Delhi Metro. Now, when this is a scene in a cosmopolitan city, I wonder about the dismal stature of our rural and semi-urban areas.

While we call for feminism in our society, this emancipation of women has to be carefully cherished. Being equal, doesn't mean we too become dominant. In the name of equal rights, we should not compete in useless arguments to let men know that we are better. If we are being asked questions about our where abouts and told to be careful and to follow some kind of code of conduct, it is because we are being cared for. It shouldn't be taken as a restriction. Thus, freedom with boundaries should be okay for us.

In our society, men/ women right from their childhood should know about the other gender well. The communication between men and women should be much so as to in built the respect for the other sex. And, for all women, in the end, I would say, never indulge in useless thoughts of "Why me?" Enjoy your womanhood. God has blessed you with a warm and caring nature. So, love it! "Happy Independence Day."

PS: The author on this day of re-publishing this article has moved on from feminism. This is because she feels what we need at present is a level of righteousness as most women in the world are being denied even the basic rights. So, what do you think about it? Please post your comments.

Friday, 6 March 2015

That thing called love.

It all started when two love birds were always together. They enjoyed the same things. They studied the same things. They decided to be at the same places. They acted like they were only one. None would ever be seen deviating from what the other person opines even when the opinion is much against the opinions of the majority of the crowd. To the crowd, it appeared that they were selfish. But, I realised that they were just 'in love'. And, I had begun to process my thoughts on that thing called love.

Love starts with attraction and infatuation in most people. Love starts with getting to know your partner and how well you can relate to him/her. Basically, what all people look for is like-mindedness.

However, in this journey to be with those who are similar to you, with same tastes and habits, one forgets that what is needed the most is one's individuality. If being a mother, you can criticise your child that this is wrong and this is right, the same kind of liberty to speak your mind should exist in a relationship with your partner. It should never be what (s)he likes, I should like it. and what I do, (s)he should do it. By this, I do not mean to preach that opposites attract. What I mean is having a stance of your own even when being in love.

Compromise is tolerable only in actions not in the genuine opinion of somebody. Most people will compromise so as to avoid a fight. If words hurt, then silence hurts as well. Communication is very necessary to build up a good relationship.

The individuality and communication part might not happen at all because as they say love is blind. Let love be blind. But, not as much, that his opinion becomes yours and your opinions become his. If there is a clear conversation of your views, its better to get into a mutual consensus of your opinions rather having piled up emotions where you have to hide your views. For, how long can you fake that smile for the sake of your love?

The like-minded is so much immersed in our society that most of the times, a doctor marries a doctor, a civil servant marries another civil servant to mention a few. This is based on the belief that they can understand the demands of their profession better. But till when can you hide the differences that exists in you as a person. Even, your profession cannot help to mask you beyond a limit.

I'm yet to find that special one in my life. And, I don't know till what extend my love may grow up to become blind. However, here, the only point of this article is forget the differences and appreciate the individuality. Differences to an extent can be sorted. Individuality can be accepted. That's how, most relationships last, be it with a partner, friend or a family member. Still, it all starts with like mindedness for most people. Sad!

Sunday, 4 January 2015

3 Characters in a Structured Set-Up

NOTICE: This article is written in good humour.

I've been thinking about this article for so long. So, here I am putting across my lame thoughts.

We all have been living in some structured set-up for some time or the other, living our lives with people, slogging our heads into books, into work, into projects and what not. In a structured set up, we have come across so many people, some are like minded and most are not. Inside the closed doors of our lives, we often joke about the uniqueness of all these characters we come across in our lives.

Wait! This is no scoopwhoop but to make matters simple in this diversified world, I've divided people into three categories:-
1.) The Sycophants:-

These are the ones who just love the system. They love their teachers and their bosses. But wait! behind the doors, its a different story! However, they believe that they can get better things like marks and increments only by waging their tails behind the ones with authority. They are popularly referred  with "Ye tohh chhatate hai" (they lick) by the other categories. (No, I'm no Chetan Bhagat! But there was no better way to say these things. True expressions are represented best in local language :P )

2.) The Indifferent:-

These people are the ones who have no opinions at all. They are simply the "simple people". Basically, they are the Dementors of Harry Potter sans feelings, sans emotions and for other category people, they are sans minds too. Often, you will find them grumbling about the system. However, when they have the opportunity to put forth their opinions, they refuse to open their mouth. They prefer to keep themselves busy and happier with stuff they like and don't have time for "trivial" matters.

3.) The Rebels:-

Better referred with lines like "Humesha netagiri krne ki kya zarurat hai?" (Why do these people have to behave like politicians?) by other categories. These are the people who have more questions than faith on the system, on the people and everything. It isn't that they ask for perfections but a level of righteousness. They are often the ones who suffer more loses than gains by their acts. Therefore, slowly, these people move to the category of the indifferent people. However, their essential nature is still the same and time to time, it gets provoked.

These categories are often seen fighting against each other sometimes out on open and sometimes behind closed doors. One can be typecast in any of these three categories. But, one must realise that there is no real fight, only a conflict of interest and a conflict of thought. It is best to resolve the issues out in open. In the end, the best one is the one who behaves like her/his own self. So, be you!